bump in the night from shabby blog

Sunday, August 17, 2014

College Girl Laundry Bag

Ingredients: cotton twill in two colors, fabric sample from upholstery shop, drapery tape (for drawstring), Wonder Under, thread, monogram pattern in "sunshine poppy" font

This is a basic drawstring bag sewn with French seams to prevent fraying. 

Exterior of drawstring opening (button hole openings for drapery tape) 

Interior French seam 

Interior bottom of bag

Exterior monogram zig zag stitching (ironed on first with Wonder Under) 

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

...scenes from a wedding planned in 6 weeks...

...table numbers...

...wood blocks with hole drilled in center almost through bottom...white wrapped wire (Hobby Lobby) looped through one section of wood rounds (Michael's) and bent in half then wrapped in washi tape...wood rounds painted on both sides in cream latex paint... Wood blocks covered in dyed Spanish moss using hot glue... Wrapped wires stuck into blocks...adjust wires to make rounds hung at similar heights...

...scenes from a wedding planned in 6 weeks...

wedding favor: Key Lime Sable in glassine envelope

Four days before the wedding, I mixed the dough, formed it into logs, encased them in a double layer of plastic wrap, set them into an airtight container and kept them in the refrigerator. The day before the wedding I rolled the dough logs in coarse sugar, sliced and baked. After cooling completely, I applied a powdered sugar & lemon juice glaze to the cookie tops. They dried quickly and were ready for packaging.

Glassine envelopes can absorb oils from baked goods, turning the paper splotchy.  My envelopes (3.5" x 3.5") were easy to line with a square cut from freezer paper - coated side facing the inner envelope.  The glaze on the front of the cookie kept the front of the envelope dry. 

Watercolor paper (90 pound weight) had been printed and then cut into strips. These were then folded and using a green staple attached to the glassine envelope, sealing the flap. The labels read:  "Thank you for making a special day even more special with your presence." and "Key Lime Sable." 

The cookies were then placed at the top of each reception table setting. 

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

...scenes from a wedding planned in 6 weeks...

...altering the wedding dress using the bride's great-grandmother's vintage sewing kit...